If you were to ask any business what they need more of, they’d all say the same thing…

Sales leads, right? 

But not just any sales leads. Businesses need red-hot sales leads. Prospects that have a specific problem that the business can solve for them.

Because let’s face it, you could have all the sales leads in the world. But if your leads aren’t after what you’re offering, they’re not going to buy, are they?

And these days customers are savvy. They know what they want and they’re willing to shop around to get it. 

So what’s the best way to stand out as a high-quality business that can help your customers get everything they need?

You get referrals.


Lead Generation Made Easy

It’s a proven fact that consumers are influenced by the opinions of others. After all, every company says they’re the best, don’t they?

But if others say they’re the best as well, it’s far more effective and is a surefire way to achieve lead generation success.

And when it comes to B2B sales leads, referrals aren’t just effective, they’re essential.

Harvard Business Review says that a whopping 84% of B2B sales begin with a referral. 

Not only that but referred B2B sales leads offer a 16% higher lifetime value than normal sales leads.

So, as well as being great for your sales figures, they also offer long-term profits for your business.



Profit Soaring Sales Leads

Why are referrals so valuable?

Think about it, when you’re shopping around for a product or service, it can be time-consuming and stressful, can’t it?

Everyone tells you they have exactly what you need, and they all showcase the huge benefits they offer. So when it comes to deciding, you’re scared to make the wrong choice. After all, it’s your choice and if it goes wrong, it’s on you.

But if someone else gives you a recommendation and refers a company it takes away all that stress, doesn’t it? They know what they’re talking about. And the great thing is, even if it doesn’t work out, it’s not your fault, because you were listening to the recommendation.

That’s the power of referrals you see, they take away any stress or anxiety of deciding. Meaning your referred sales leads are all high-quality and easy to convert.



Discover The Untapped Field Of Sales Leads

So, how do you set about getting top-quality referrals for your business?

Believe it or not, there’s a huge, untapped field of customers that are ready to buy from you with the right referral.

Where do you find this deluge of referrals that could transform your business?

With your competitors…

That’s right, your competitors could hold the key to your massive success and you to theirs.

I know what you’re thinking, why would my competitors want to recommend me?

It’s simple. You see, every business has its strengths and weaknesses…

Businesses succeed when they focus on their strengths and market as mentioned in Forbes. Providing quality work comes naturally when it plays to your strength, doesn’t it?

But most businesses make the mistake of offering everything, whether they’re good at it or not.

This leads to them being overworked, stressed and providing low-quality work that upsets their customers. Ending up with bad reviews, a poor word-of-mouth reputation, and a dwindling business.

When you focus on your strengths you can contact your competitor and find out what their strengths are. Chances are, you’ll both have different strengths. 

When you have an unsuitable client, you can then recommend them to a competitor who offers exactly what they’re looking for. Your competitors do the same, and voila! 

You’re all serving high-quality clients with outstanding work that you enjoy, and they love…

Everyone’s reputation goes up, your leads keep flying in, and your business skyrockets.

Plus, imagine how strong it makes your business look when you’re happy to refer someone to a competitor. The clients will be so happy that you’ve pointed them in the right direction they’re sure to use you when the time is right, and they’ll recommend you to everyone. 

So you see, referring to your competitors is one of the best things you can do for your business.



Collaboration Equals Red-Hot Sales Leads 

Collaborating with your competitors can truly transform the future of both your business and theirs. But you need to make sure that it’s a level playing field and that you’re both working as hard for each other, don’t you?

That’s where LeadFellow comes in. LeadFellow is an easy-to-use lead management software that makes everything simple to track.

LeadFellow helps businesses work together to share referrals and generate red-hot leads for each other.

It makes skyrocketing your sales easy with genuine, top-quality sales leads that are easy to convert into valued customers.

And the great thing is, you can earn money for the referrals you make as well as enjoy soaring sales figures for your own business.

You simply sign up as a referrer and a provider, and speak to your competitors to find out the skills they offer and what kind of customers they’re after. 

Then when you have prospects that don’t fit your business but suit your competitors, you refer them through LeadFellow.

LeadFellow’s powerful software helps you track where your referrals are and pays you once a deal is done.

And the best part?

If you receive a referral, there’s nothing to pay until you close the client and generate a sale!

You see, with LeadFellow, there’s no risk and high reward.

Contact LeadFellow today to start transforming your business. We’re ready to help you enjoy a constant flow of red-hot sales leads, build your brand awareness and word-of-mouth reputation.


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